Friday, July 31, 2020 |
If you are an e-commerce retailer that struggles to maintain an edge on their marketplace, it is well worth exploring dynamic pricing as a means of gaining ground on the competition. With this form of price-setting, you are able to ride the waves of market upheavals, keep stock moving, and susta
read moreMonday, July 20, 2020 |
If your business is reliant on online advertising such as: ● Google AdWords ● Facebook Ads and boosted contents ● Microsoft advertising and other paid-ad platforms, you will probably be familiar with the dizzying array of metrics supplied to assess the effectiveness of your c
read moreThursday, July 9, 2020 |
Google has excelled in delivering up just what consumers want with their savvy Google Shopping listings. Unlike much of the text-heavy content that users have to trawl through, Google Shopping listings are image-rich, bright, clear and to the point. They’re not only popular with shoppers but w
read moreMonday, April 20, 2020 |
The prospect of flurries of e-commerce sales is tantalising to so many retail businesses, but some greatly underestimate the work needed to become commercially viable online. E-commerce is a competitive industry and requires a diligent approach to designing and managing your website. Not only
read moreSunday, March 8, 2020 |
...AI-software automatically (and in real-time) adjusts the pricing of products within an online shop, which is triggered by a shift in competitors' prices. Like any revenue management technique aimed at maximising profit, it has its practical pros and cons to consider before deciding whether
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